Post by The DoctorPost by The DoctorPost by The DoctorFrom, I need to permit
with 198.6.0.o/24 .
What do I need to do to get this correct for incoming.comf?
You need 254(6?) entries in your incoming.conf file.
Or do some magic in your firewall or nameserver setup.
You can configure iptables/SNAT, ipfilter/map, pf/nat etc to map
all of source addresses to 1 address that your news server
will accept. It needs a firewall / NAT box *before* your server.
I am not into this method.
You can also use some BIND's features. See BIND's `view' statement.
peer uunet {
view uunet_for_doctor_inn {
match-clients { IP-address_doctor_newsserver; };
zone "" {
type master;
file "zone-file";
[... SOA and NS records ...]
And so on.
I never tested such config but I think it could be working:)
Or what about picking the record up from
Right let me put some perspective on this.
I am a MCI Canada customer and the only customer using their NNTP server
for push/push services.
I also use their DNS servers upstream.
The big problem was that MCI Cnada did forget to tell me
about changing my nameservers according and I still
like to thank Jeff Vinocur for pointing out the DNS issue.
Add one more issue:
MCI Canada is phasing out the NNTP Server as its use has dwindled
so more me onto the USA server(S).
SO from the USA I get:
At Verizon, news is received via NNTP on the host <custID>
This is the only system that will accept incoming NNTP traffic. Only Verizon
customers with active newsfeeds may feed to this host. In order to send a
feed to <custID>, Verizon must have the fully qualified
domain name of the host that will be feeding us. You may specify up to six (6)
hosts. All servers feeding to <custID> must be directly
administered by the customer.
When sending news to <custID>, please send only articles
with less than 3 hops in the path, i.e. articles which have passed through a
maximum of three news servers (excluding your own). This option should be
configurable for the news software you are using. Please refer to your
software documentation. For those using INN, specifying H3 in field 3 of
the newsfeed entry in the newsfeeds file will do this. This is what it
would look like:
If your newsfeeds entry for your feed to Verizon was:
To hop-limit the feed to a maximum of 3 hops, change the entry to:
We have a number of systems providing NNTP feeds to customers. Your
server(s)/firewall(s) must be configured to allow ICMP and NNTP access to
port 119 on your server from all of our servers including:
thru, each of which expands to approximately 17 servers.
Your server(s)/firewall(s) must also allow (and expect) periodic ICMP ping
and traceroutes from Verizon on port 119. We actively monitor our connections
to customers and, if we are unable to contact your server(s) by these
means, your newsfeed may be discontinued. We also monitor connectivity to
customer servers by opening an NNTP connection; your servers must expect
this activity periodically.
Our news servers are known as "uunet" in path entries.
Verizon always feeds each customer with at least two separate newsfeeds, and
on occasion, we may triple feed. This is done to improve the service
quality. In this context, a 'newsfeed' is a single flow of news articles
which may consist of one, two, or more separate TCP connections per
newsfeed (typically a minimum of one and a maximum of five). Your
server(s)/firewall(s) must allow for this. If you choose not to accept
multiple newsfeeds, the quality of your service is likely to be degraded.
end of 1)
Is INN STABLE capable of this?
What we are seeing is that your servers (and/or Foirewall) are denying
+connections on Port 119.
newsping news0804
Running nntpping on for (
kshd: Permission denied.
newsping news0805
Running nntpping on for (
kshd: Permission denied.
Post by The DoctorFrom the news server logs .....
Nov 5 14:30:21 newslink[28774]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S00539 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:30:21 newslink[28775]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S01391 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:35:22 newslink[28841]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S01392 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:35:22 newslink[28840]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S00540 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:35:22 newslink[14969]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S00166 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:35:22 newslink[14970]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S01366 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:40:21 newslink[15011]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S00166 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
Nov 5 14:40:22 newslink[15012]: [ID 702911
+news.notice]!.S01367 connect: 502 You
+have no permission to talk. Goodbye.
End of 2)
Supposed this is fixed.
You should be using "".
end of 3)
Now you know why I say supposedly.
For outbound (posting) you should use <customerID> as in
"!@#$%^&*(". Thjis is better than using thje generic term
For receiving feeds please allow Port 119 connections from any server in the IP
+Netblock All Verizon Business news servers are in this IP netlbock.
end of 4)
I must be really be giving a bit of a time.
Point: This is the first time I have seen this model.
Has anyone else had to deal with this?
Can INN be up to the job to do this??
Member - Liberal International
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